
Purchase of Josef Jambor paintings

In cash and immediately we will buy Josef Jambor paintings from you.

We are very happy to buy various artifacts from the author's life for the upcoming exhibition about Josef Jambor. Paintings, drawings, books, graphics, sketches, photographs, correspondence and more.

The exhibition will take place in 2024 at the Graciano gallery at Veselá 39 in Brno.

Contact person: Gratcl Michal - e-mail: or tel. 604 587 460

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We will also buy other antique paintings

If you don't currently have paintings by Josef Jambor at home, but you have other old or antique paintings that you would like to cash in on, don't hesitate to contact us and we will buy them from you at maximum prices.

Why sell with us?

Because we love what we do and we've been here for over 30 years,,which gives us the necessary experience for precise valuationof your items and at the same time contacts with private collectors in the Czech Republic and abroad, who are willing to offer even higher amounts..

Moreover, if you can't visit our branches in Prague or Brno, upon agreement we'll come to your home..


1. Free valuation


We'll gladly provide a free valuation online or in person

2. Purchase price proposal


Based on many years of practice, we offer the highest possible amount.

3. Immediate purchase in cash


We'll buy the item from you at the agreed price on the spot in cash..


Contact Information

You can visit our stores in Brno and Prague or contact us via e-mail or phone. We will be happy to help you with anything.



ikona poloha

Veselá 39 (corner with Česká Street opposite Hotel Avion), Brno 602 00.

ikona čas
  • Monday - Thursday: 10:00 - 12:00 – 13:00 – 18:30
  • Friday: 10:00 - 12:00 – 13:00 – 17:00 (longer by agreement)
  • Sobota: 10:00 - 12:00, 13:00 - 17:00
  • Neděle: Zavřeno


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